Administrative Officer
Ms. Laongdaw is an Administrative Officer at Lex Prime. She is also a licensed insurance agent and specializes in the full spectrum of insurance, i.e. Life, Terms, Saving Investments, Accidental, Motor, and Property insurance, as well as Group insurance for companies' employees. Ms. Laongdaw has experience in Corporate matters, immigration, and labor processes in Thailand. She speaks fair English.
Education Background:
She obtained a Diploma in Business Administration from Rajamanglala University. Ms. Laongdaw is currently studying for her second degree in Business Administration from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.
Additional Information:
She is a fast learner who quickly adapts to changes, and always eager to learn.
Licenses & Certification:
AIA agent License
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Rajamanglala University.